Welcome to William Terry Images

Every Picture tells a story. Here is the story of this image



This is a work in progress. I took this image more than a year ago and have yet to finish it’s post processing. Emotion captured is the reason. These beautiful six year old twin sisters evoke such a strong emotion from me (William Terry) that it is impossible for me to proceed.

These twins are the sisters of my son’s wife. They are in essence, family. Six months before I captured this image, their mother died suddenly from a heart attack. As I was post processing this image, I studied the faces of these two beautiful children.  It was obvious how each was coping.

The twin on the left was now the care provider and the twin on the right was being comforted.   As I began the final touch up, the last edit was to remove the dark shadows under the left child’s eyes. And that’s where I stopped. Realizing that the story of this image is in the stress shadows under her eyes. I will never make that edit, nor finish this image.

William Terry (photographer)